Newington Tower Apartments



We have gathered the following information to assist you with your upcoming move. We do our best to process applications within 2-3 business days. You can assist us by ensuring you provide all the required documentation and be sure to sign all of the appropriate pages. In order for us to process your application, please review and comply with the following:


1. APPLICATION: Please complete the entire application and sign. Your application is considered incomplete if not signed. A non-refundable application fee of $50.00 per person is required to process your application. 

2. VERIFICATIONS: A.) Employment Verification: The attached form needs to be filled out by current employer. You will also need to provide two (2) current pay stubs. B.) Residency Verification: The attached form needs to be filled out by your current or most recent landlord. C.) Identity Verification: You must provide a color copy of a valid, current form of government issued photo identification to apply for residency at Newington Tower Apartments.


3. QUALIFYING: Approving an application is based on several factors outlined in the attached “Rental Qualifications Guidelines.” If a Guarantor is required for the application, the individual must provide a completed and signed application, color copy of a valid, current form of government issued photo identification, and proof of income of 6 times the monthly rent in the form of 4 most recent paystubs. An additional application fee of $50 is required to process the guarantor’s application as well.



1317 East Street New Britain, CT. 06053

Phone: 860-225-2525


Email: [email protected]



Newington Tower Apartments

Rental Qualification Guidelines


  • A separate application is required for each adult, eighteen years of age or older. All apartment occupants of legal age are considered to be applicants. No more than three unrelated individuals may occupy an apartment.


  • A credit report from a national credit reporting agency will be obtained on all applicants. A favorable credit history is required. An applicant’s credit is considered favorable when there are more positive credit accounts than negative. Negative accounts include, but are not limited to: late payment, collection, charge off, repossession, and bankruptcy. Applicants with no credit history may be required to pay additional security deposit, and have a guarantor.


  • Employment history and income must be verifiable. Applicants must have a combined gross monthly income of at least four (4) times the monthly rent. Applicants must provide two (2) current pay stubs, unless self-employed, then the previous year’s tax return will be required. Guarantors must provide proof of gross monthly income of at least six (6) times the monthly rent.


  • Resident history must be verifiable. Rental verification will include length of occupancy, payment record and status, and compliance with rules and regulations. Renting from a relative is not considered resident history as contract performance cannot be determined. Home mortgages can substitute for resident history. Applicants with negative rental history, outstanding debt, eviction, or foreclosure will be denied. First time renters may be required to pay additional security deposit, unless there is a strong credit history.


  • A criminal background search will be conducted. The application will be rejected for any of the following criminal related reasons: felony conviction, terrorist conviction, illegal drug related conviction, prostitution related conviction, sex related conviction, cruelty to animals related conviction, misdemeanor conviction involving crime against persons or property, and any of the above related charges resulting in "Adjudication Withheld," and/or "Deferred Adjudication," and/or active status on probation or parole resulting from any of the above.


  • Reasons for not approving an application include, but are not limited to: bankruptcy within the past two years or pending bankruptcy, insufficient income, unpaid judgments, eviction, foreclosure, outstanding rent debt, exceeding occupancy limits, and falsification of the application information.


  • Pets are limited to one (1) cat per apartment. Pet owners are required to pay a refundable $350 pet deposit & $45 monthly pet fee. No dogs are allowed.



SANDYBROOK LLC does business in accordance with the Fair Housing Act. We provide equal housing and service for all people regardless of race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, handicap, familial status, or national origin. Management reserves the right to add or delete any or all of the above guidelines and qualifications at any date and time. Revised 5/27/17.